Missions is the heartbeat of God and needs to be the heartbeat of every local New Testament Church. God has blessed and allowed us to take on the following missionaries for support:
- Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation – Printing and distributing the Word of God all over the world. https://www.biblelit.com
- Jeff & Helen Christian – Bearing Precious Seed https://old.wyldewood.org/index.php/outreach/our-missionaries/bearing-precious-seed
- Mark & Amy Coffey – Missionaries to South Africa http://www.projectsouthafrica.com/author/mark-and-amy-coffey
- Rick & Sue Simonsen – Missionaries to Kenya https://www.baptistworldmission.org/profile/rick-and-susan-simonsen
- Glen & Sonya South – Currently in Transition https://missioservealliance.givingfuel.com/glen-sonya-support
- Juan & Amy Vallejo – Missionaries to Brazil https://www.fbmi.org/missionary/vallejo
- Kevin & Beth White – Missionaries to Bolivia https://www.operationbolivia.com
Mark 16:15 “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”