Pastor Liew and his wife Gina have twelve children: (back row) Elyssa, Gabriel, Kailer, Grace, Alena, Sophia, and Liam. (front row) Oliver, Elora, Lucia, Lucas, and Sebastian.
About NBC
Northside Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, KJV Bible believing, soulwinning church. Pastor Liew was sent from Birch Street Baptist Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and began Weston Baptist Church in Weston, Wisconsin on November 18, 2007. We held our Charter Service the following August 31, 2008. In 2013, we purchased our building in Wausau and changed our name to Northside Baptist Church. You are cordially invited to attend and worship with us. If you would like more information, please call (715) 432-9725 or e-mail us at
What Is A Fundamental Church?
A fundamental church is one that adheres to traditional and conservative values as supported by the Bible. These include:
- The King James (KJV) Bible – exclusively using the KJV Bible in all areas of ministry. The belief that God has preserved His perfect and infallible Word through the ages (Psalm 12:7) and as such, the KJV Bible does not only contain God’s Word, but is God’s Word for the English-speaking people and is equal in authority to the original manuscripts.
- Preaching – The belief that preaching from the Word of God is to be with boldness and truth, not to be sugar-coated or played down to tickle the ears of the listeners (2 Timothy 4:3), but rather to touch the heart, to edify the believer, and to convict the sinner.
- Music – The belief that church music is to please God, not self, and should not be contemporary. When God “put a new song in my mouth” (Psalm 40:3), it means music should no longer sound like the world’s music, regardless of the lyrics.
- Apparel – The belief that men and women ought to always dress modestly and strive to sincerely give their best to God at church.
- Invitations – The belief that an invitation to call for the unsaved to repent of their sin and trust Christ needs to be given at the conclusion of every service.
- Soul Winning – The belief that it is the responsibility of the local church and its members to evangelize their community and labor in the harvest (Matthew 9:37) to win souls to Christ.
- Missions – The belief that missions is the heartbeat of God and a priority of the local church. The church needs to participate in sending and supporting missionaries on the local and foreign fields.
Pastor Weng Liew’s testimony
Pastor Liew was saved in 2001 while reading a Gideon’s Bible at a hotel in Los Angeles. Later, under the ministry of the late Pastor Tim Hallett, Sr., he surrendered to preach when he felt the Lord’s calling into the pastorate. He was privileged to train under his pastor and lead weekly Bible studies at the Eau Claire County Jail for four years. As a believer in life-long learning, he pursues distance education courses through Arlington Baptist College, in Arlington, Texas. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.”
Jeremiah 17:7